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Are you looking for Air Con Regas Service in Tottenham?

The need for air condition re-gas goes beyond just ensuring a cool vehicle interior.

An optimally functioning AC system will keep your car’s interior clean and healthy by eliminating pollutants, bacteria and other harmful particles. Further, an optimally functioning air condition system consumes lesser fuel.

In order to maintain best AC performance, you must consider air con regas Tottenham, London once every year. We, at T-lane Pitstop Ltd. offer AC regas at the most competitive price in the market. With our skills and comprehensive approach, we guarantee to ensure the most accurate results within the shortest waiting.

About Air Condition Gases

The AC gas, also known as refrigerant comes in two variants, namely the old R134A gas and the latest R1234YF gas.

As car manufacturers were forced to use greener air conditioning options in their modern vehicles, a new refrigerant gas had to be introduced. The once-common refrigerant R134A, which has been in use for more than 20 years, poses a serious threat to the environment, contributing to global warming and ozone depletion, according to research.

Our Air Condition Re-Gas Tottenham London

All our specialists have undergone extensive training and comply with the latest environmental protection requirements to achieve best results. Before regassing, our experts will also thoroughly check for any air conditioning leaks. In this way, we guarantee that the system will work efficiently and prevent unnecessary damage to the environment.

We still use R134A refrigerant to fill the air conditioning systems of cars manufactured before 2017. However, for vehicles manufactured after 2017, we only use the newer and environmentally friendly refrigerant R1234YF. This gas ensures the best possible performance of your car's air conditioning system while meeting global environmental goals.

Post our air con regas Tottenham, London, you will notice a more comfortable vehicle interior and lower AC service bills. Hence, look no more for “AC regas near me” and bookthis service today. You can also come down to us at 46C Tottenham Lane, London, N8 7ED and we will make sure to complete the service within the shortest possible time.

Call us on 07539084772 or write to our team at tlanepitstopltd@gmail.com for more information.